Message from the Chairman September 2014
The 2014 bowling season at the Hesketh Arms will officially soon come to the end. The green will be closed on the 1st October as the hard work to prepare for the 2015 season begins. The bowling over the last 6 months has been a very successful and enjoyable time for the club and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members for helping us to achieve this.
The annual Awards Night is on October 11th at the Churchtown Conservative Club. There are still tickets available at £5 each which includes refreshments. This is always a fun night so If there is anyone without tickets who would like to attend please phone me or email our secretary.
The final club competition of the season was held towards the end of August and was won by Jim Halsall, with Brian Jones being runner-up. Many thanks to all those who have supported the competitions this season and congratulations to all the successful competitors, who will receive their trophies at the awards night in October.
There are just a few days to go to enter the photo competition. We have had a number of entries but we would like some more. Please email your picture to us before the October 1st.
Watch this space for an exciting November event! Details will be announced at the Awards Night.
If you wish t contact me please phone me on 07761733024 or email
Thank you.
Chris Harding