The Annual General Meeting has set the following subscription rates for the 2021 season :-
Full Membership – £45.00
Basic / Social Membership – £25.00
Full Membership applies to those members playing for one or more league team and includes the payment of league fees. Until we know when league bowling is permitted, we ask that all members pay the basic subscription of £25.00.
Social Membership is available to members who wish to play on a casual basis.
Any member who paid the full membership fee in 2020 is entitled to claim a £20 credit against this year’s subscription.
Payment can be made online directly to the Club’s bank account :
Sort Code : 30 97 88 Account Number : 01007849
Alternatively, subscriptions can be sent to Mike Milne (Treasurer) at the following address :-
Mike Milne,
20 Coudray Road,
In normal circumstances, we would by now have set and advertised dates for our internal club competitions. However, due to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, we thought it better to wait and see if any restrictions are still in place at the beginning of the season. You can rest assured that as soon as regulations allow, we will be organising a full programme of events, as we were able to do in 2020, despite a delayed start.
As many of you will be aware, we conducted a survey on our club competitions towards the end of last year and we will take into account as many of the comments, ideas and suggestions as possible. It may be that some of the changes we intend to make as a result of the survey will not take effect until 2022.
Our draft, outline programme for 2021, with all dates to be arranged, is as follows :-
Coronation Cup (Singles Handicap to run throughout the season, with a finals day in August or September)
Champion of Champions
Spring Pairs (Random Pairs, with plate)
Rose Bowl (Singles Handicap, with plate)
Vice-Presidents Pairs (Non-Random Pairs, no plate)
Ladies’ Championship (Round Robin Format, no plate)
Championship Cup (Men’s Singles, played off scratch with no plate)
Chairman’s Shield (Non-Random Pairs, no plate)
President’s Cup (Singles Handicap, with plate)
Club Triples
Floodlit Trophy (Non-Random Pairs, no plate)
Last Chance Cup (Random Pairs, with plate)
In December last year, the Club acquired a cup belonging to the old Blowick Hotel Bowling Club (the Blowick Hotel pub was situated where the Thatch and Thistle now stands). We have decided to use this cup in 2021 for a Champion of Champions competition. All the winners of the Club’s competitions and merit winners from 2020 will be invited to play for the “Blowick Cup”.

The Competition Survey showed that there was a demand for random pairs, so if HM Govt. / BCGBA guidelines allow, we will run two of our pairs competitions on this basis. We have provisionally planned to run plates at four of the scheduled competitions in response to requests from members.
Please note that all the above is a draft programme, which is subject to change. Full details and dates will be notified as soon as we are able to confirm them.
As we have been unable to hold an awards evening this year, we hope to hold a small, informal presentation of prizes for the 2020 season at the green, prior to one of our early club events. Ideally, this would take place on the day of the Champion of Champions as most of last season’s winners are likely to be present at that competition. This is, of course, conditional on any regulations which are in place at the time.