The green is now open to members.
A social round robin is the first event for members commencing at 2.00pm on Sunday 2nd of April.
Mike Milne will be organising the event and your subs can be paid on the day.
Full Membership – £40.00
Social Membership – £20.00
Junior Membership – £17.50
The competitive season commences 3rd of April
The social Round Robins start on Tuesday the 4th of April
The Friday Round Robin starts on the 7th of April
We look forward to seeing all our old members and we welcome new members
Month: March 2017
Thank You and March UpDate
Thank you to all those who turned out this Thursday morning to help tidy up the green.
Brian Mycock, Bill Bloor, Ray Sutton, John McCabe, John Rimmer, Jim Doherty, Martin Gilbert.
A special thanks to Roger van Beever, Wendy McGloughin, Lawrie Townson and Sue Davies who took on the challenge of the ivy on the club house and defeated it.
A special thank you to Peter and Lynne Smith. Peter for painting the club house and Lynne for cleaning the club house.
It was nice to see Jim Finnimore turn up and say hello to many of his friends.
George Hitchmough
The Green will be open for members from Saturday 25th March.
The first Club event of the season will be a Round Robin on Sunday 2nd April, starting at 2.00pm. This will be followed by an Easter Round Robin on Saturday 15th April, also starting at 2.00pm.
Members are reminded that subscriptions for 2017 are now due and have been set at the following rates :-
Full Membership – £40.00
Social Membership – £20.00
Junior Membership – £17.50
Full Membership applies to those members playing for one or more of the league teams and includes the payment of league fees and cost of fixture books/cards.
Social Membership is available to members who wish to play on a casual basis.
Early payment of subscriptions would be appreciated. Please forward to :-
Mike Milne, 20 Coudray Road, Southport PR9 9NL
Sunday 30th April – Rose Bowl (Singles Handicap) 12.00 noon start.
Saturday 6th May – Friendly match v Liverpool Cricket Club – further details will be available in April.
Saturday 13th May – Spring Pairs (Doubles – pairings to be drawn) 12.00 noon start.