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2020 subscriptions.

We have had a number of enquiries regarding 2020  subscriptions.

The committee has discussed this matter and the following will apply.

2020  subscriptions.

The committee are suggesting the following for 2020 subscriptions:

All members to pay a social membership of £25.00, this will allow you to use the green at any time providing you adhere to government guidelines.

If you have paid full subs already we are prepared to refund you the difference or hold the credit balance until 2021 season.

When the suspension is lifted we will then consider any additional subs if league bowling is resumed.

Please bear in mind that grass is not affected by Coronavirus and we still need to keep the green in good order which will be paid out of received subs and reserves if necessary.

This is an uncertain time for your club as well as all of us individually.”

Should you wish a partial refund please contact me by email,

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Corona Virus Suspension of Bowling

The green will be open from Saturday, 28 March for paid up members.

All league and Social bowling is suspended until further notice.

Any members wishing to use the green please adhere to the government guidelines on close personal contact and hygiene.

If and when possible we still intend to run a full programme of members’ competitions on revised dates.

We are in unprecedented times, please take care of yourself and stay safe.

Government Advice:-

The Committee

Hesketh arms Bowling Club

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Coronavirus Suspension of Bowling

We have received a copy of the email from BCGBA which means all league bowling is now cancelled.

Members competitions including social Round robin bowling will also be cancelled.

We will keep you advised of any further developments.

Received from :- BCGBA

To County Secretaries, Management and Officers, Leagues and Members.

Following the Government announcement this afternoon it is with great sadness that we now have to suspend all bowling for the foreseeable future.

Based on the advice announced we need to avoid all mass gatherings and sporting event as these will no longer be supported by the emergency services.

If anyone within your household has symptoms then the whole family need to isolate for 14 days.

Limit social contact wherever possible and encourage working from home.

At risk groups – those over 70 and those with medical conditions need to take additional care.

All BCGBA meetings should now be postponed as un-necessary travel should be avoided. Contact in Pubs, Clubs and restaurants to be avoided.

Taking this all into account all leagues should now suspend matches until such time as we are given an all clear to resume competition.

All BCGBA and BCGLCC Competitions are now suspended until further notice this should include all qualifier events.

As a Bowls community we need to look after our members and I encourage you to follow the advice being given and support those we are able to at this very difficult time.

I will add links onto the website / face-book as these are updated.

Please take care of yourself and stay safe.

On behalf of the Management Committee BCGBA
Chris Hasselby (BCGBA Chairman)
Mark Bircumshaw (CEO)

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Green Clean Up Thank you

Thank you for everyone who turned up this morning for the green clean up.

The clean up was finished by 12.30 and looks good.

Let’s hope we get a chance to use it.

GREEN OPENS:-          SATURDAY 28TH March

TUESDAY Round Robin        31st March then Fridays and Tuesdays thereafter.

Members Saturday Round Robin 2.00pm Start 4th April

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March Newsletter



The green will be open for use by members from Saturday 28th March.


A pre-season working party will be held week commencing 16th March, the exact day will depend upon the weather. Help from as many members as possible would be greatly appreciated.


The popular Round Robins, hosted weekly by Peter and Lynne will commence on Tuesday 31st March and Friday 3rd April, 10.00 am start. These are an ideal way of meeting other members of the club and all are welcome, whether you are an experienced bowler or new to the game.

An additional Round Robin will take place on Saturday 4th April, starting at 2.00 pm.


The Club will again run a full programme of club competitions during the 2020 season. There will be five singles, four doubles and a triples this year. For two of the doubles events, pairings will be drawn at random. The Chairman’s Shield and Vice-President’s Trophy will be non-random in 2020.

All these events, except the President’s Day, will start at 12.00pm. We ask that participants arrive by 11.45am so that the draw can take place at 11.50am to ensure a prompt start.

Saturday 25th April   Spring Pairs (pairings to be drawn)

Sunday 10th May       Rose Bowl

Sunday 7th June        Championship Cup & Ladies’ Championship

Sunday 21st June       Vice-President’s Trophy (non-random doubles – enter as a pair)

Sunday 5th July         President’s Cup NB – START TIME 11.00 AM     

Sunday 12th July       Chairman’s Shield (non-random doubles – enter as a pair)

Saturday 18th July     Club Triples

August  – TBC             Coronation Cup

September – TBC       Last Chance Cup (doubles – pairings to be drawn)


Members are reminded that subscriptions for the 2020 season are now due and early payment would be appreciated. The rates set are :-

Full Membership – £45.00 / Social Membership – £25.00

Please forward to :- Mike Milne, 20 Coudray Road, Southport PR9 9NL

Alternatively, payment can be made online. Payment should be made to the following account :-

Account Number 01007849 / Sort Code 30-97-88

If paying online, please indicate clearly who you are paying for and let me know by text (07752352065) or email (


As mentioned in the previous newsletter, 2020 is a special year for the Hesketh Arms Bowling Club as it is our turn to hold the Presidency of the Burscough League, with Chris Harding being elected to the position of League President for the forthcoming season.

The club holding the Presidency hosts the League President’s Day, the Steve Rimmer singles competition and the finals of the League Pairs and dates for these events have been set as follows :-

Saturday 1st August – President’s Day

Sunday 16th August – Steve Rimmer Memorial Shield (singles)

Sunday 30th August – League Pairs (qualifiers at various league clubs with the finals being held at the Hesketh Arms

Further details of all these events will be posted nearer the time.


Saturday 28th March – Green opens

Tuesday 31st March – Midweek Round Robins start

Saturday 4th April – Round Robin (2.00pm start) PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE

Saturday 25th April – Spring Pairs (Pairings drawn on the day – 12 noon start)


Please not that green will be unavailable for use by members on Saturday 27th June due to a private booking. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.