Now we have a record of how the booking system is progressing, we are making the following changes:-
1:- Bookings are now unlimited
2:- If you wish to book as a single player for practice, you can now do this. PLEASE ENSURE YOU ENTER YOUR FULL NAME IN BOTH BOWLER BOXES
We are waiting to see how the BCGBA alters its guidelines in view of the 6 person rule supposedly being allowed from Monday 1st June before we make any further alterations.
Thanks to the hard work of a number of people we are now able to OPEN the green, albeit on a reduced use basis. Under the BCGBA Guidelines.
The green will reopen on Friday 29th of May, 12pm. The use of the green must be booked on the club web site.
Green use will be restricted to 55 minutes per booking, then allowing 5 minutes to clear the green.
The booking is for 2 people only. Strictly no spectators.
The booking is subject to the BCGBA and government Covid 19 guidelines.
Booking can be made by paid up members only.
Anyone booking who is not a paid up member will have their booking cancelled.
The use of the green is restricted to 2 booking per member in a Calendar week.
The green will be available from 12pm until 6.00pm on weekdays and 11am to 7pm on Weekends. The use of the clubhouse and toilet is not permitted
This is a totally new system for the club and we would hope that you will bear with us if we have teething problems.
Under the guidelines we have to restrict green use and keep a record of who used the green and when.
The system will be modified as and when restrictions are eased within any guidelines received from BCGBA and the government.
If you are using a smart phone or tablet please view web site in Landscape mode for the best results.
The method of booking is as follows:-
Click on Booking Link (GREEN BOOKING) Right hand side of web page
Choose desired day and time, Click BOOK NOW
Click on Cart / Basket Icon (top right hand corner of screen)
Enter Full Name of Both Bowlers, Post Code, Mobile Phone & email address in details requested Click Buy All details must be filled in or the booking will not be accepted.
You will receive an email confirming your booking.
The green will be policed on a regular basis to ensure all the guidelines are being adhered to.
For members who do not have internet access I can only suggest at this time that you play with a member who is able to access the internet booking system.
Should you wish to pay your 2020 subscription of £25.00
Methods of Payment
(a) Cheque payable to Hesketh Arms Bowling Club, Post to Mike Milne 20 Coudray Road, Southport, PR9 9NL
(b) Bank Transfer:- Hesketh Arms Bowling Club Account number 01007849 Sort Code 30-97-88 Please text Mike Milne on 07752352065 to confirm payment or email to confirm payment.
The committee has decided to fix all subscriptions for 2020 at £25.00
This figure has been set to enable members to use the green as and when it is available and under the strict conditions imposed on the club by the BCGBA Covid 19 recommendations.
We would ask you to bear in mind that the club still has to pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the green and also utility costs. We still have to pay our landlords.
The club would request that 2019 members renew their membership for the year 2020.
The club will not be accepting any new applications for membership for 2020 with the exception of Members Spouses or Permanent partners.
Methods of Payment
(a) Cheque payable to Hesketh Arms Bowling Club, Post to Mike Milne 20 Coudray Road, Southport, PR9 9NL
(b) Bank Transfer:- Hesketh Arms Bowling Club Account number 01007849 Sort Code 30-97-88 Please text Mike Milne on 07752352065 to confirm payment or email to confirm payment.
Any member who has paid full fees will have the overpayment carried forward to 2021 subscriptions.
2:- Green Re-Opening
The club is investigating the re-opening of the green observing the strict BCGBA guidelines for covid19.
This may well involve a green booking system and restricted opening hours.
This would only be available to fully paid up members. NO GUESTS, NO NEW MEMBER APPLICATIONS
As soon as this facility is in place we will email all members, we hope we can do this in the very near future.
After a barren season in 2015, the Club returned to winning ways in 2016 with the Kestrels bouncing back to the top flight of the Aughton League by winning the 2nd Division league and cup double. The Eagles finished runners-up in the LV Premier Division and the Merlins gained promotion in the Southport Veterans’ League, also winning the Joe Bond Trophy.
2017 was even more successful, with the Vultures, Falcons, Hawks and Hobbies all winning their respective championships.
2016KESTRELS Aughton League 2nd Division Champions
2016 HAWKS Aughton League 3rd Division Cup Winners
2016 EAGLES LV League Premier Division Runners-Up
2016 MERLINS Southport Vets League 3rd Division Runners-Up
2016 MERLINS Southport Vets League Joe Bond Trophy Winners
2017 VULTURES Burscough League 3rd Division Champions
2017 VULTURES Burscough League Knockout Trophy Winners
2017 VULTURES Burscough League 3rd Division Cup Winners
2017 FALCONS LV League 1st Division Champions
2017 EAGLES LV League Premier Division Runners-Up
2017 HAWKS Aughton League 3rd Division Champions
2017 HAWKS Aughton League 3rd Division Cup Winners
2017 HOBBIES Southport Vets League 3rd Division Champions
2017 HOBBIES Southport Vets League Joe Bond Trophy Winners
Over the past few weeks we have taken a look back at our club competitions from 2007 to 2010, which pre-dated the creation of the Club’s website. From 2011 details of all club competitions were covered on the website, so this week we thought we would focus on the formation of our league teams and the successes they have had. Where available, we have included photographs. Going forward, it would be good if team captains could provide photographs of their teams each season, whether or not they have won a league or cup, so that we have as comprehensive a club history as possible and for the interest of future generations.
In part 1 we cover the formation of our teams and the club honours from 2009 to 2014.
In 2007, the Club was represented by just two teams in the Southport LV League. It was pleasing that interest in the club and increased membership resulted in two new teams being formed for the 2008 season ; a third team to play in the LV League and team to play in the Burscough & Lathom League on a Friday evening. As time has progressed, new leagues have been joined and in 2019 the club fielded 11 teams in six local leagues.
2008 Formation of the HARRIERS to play in the LV LEAGUE
2008 Formation of a new BURSCOUGH LEAGUE team. The team became known as the OSPREYS in 2012.
2010 Formation of a team to play in the AUGHTON LEAGUE on a Wednesday afternoon for the first time.
2012 Formation of a second team to play in the AUGHTON LEAGUE. The teams were now known as the KESTRELS and the HAWKS.
2013 Two new teams were formed :-
The MERLINS joined the SOUTHPORT VETERANS’ LEAGUE on a Monday afternoon.
2016 The formation of a team to play in the MAGHULL LEAGUE on a Monday evening. This is a mixed league, thus providing female members with the opportunity of playing league bowls at the Hesketh Arms for the first time in the Club’s history. The team was named the OWLS in 2018.
2017 Entry of additional teams to play in the Burscough and Southport Veterans’ Leagues.
The VULTURES joined the Burscough League and the HOBBIES joined the Southport Veterans’ League.
2009FALCONS LV League Alf Thomas Cup Winners
2010 KESTRELS Aughton League 3rd Division Runners-Up
2010 FALCONS LV League Alf Thomas Cup Runners-Up
2011OSPREYS Burscough League 3rd Division Knockout Cup Winners
2012 KESTRELS Aughton League 3rd Division Champions
2012 KESTRELS Aughton League 3rd Division Cup Winners
2013 FALCONS LV League 2nd Division Champions
2013 KESTRELS Aughton League 2nd Division Champions
2013 KESTRELS Aughton League 2nd Division Cup Winners
We have received guidance from BCGBA on opening the green under phase 1 of The Covid easing of Lockdown. A Copy of the guidance is attached and I would suggest you read to see how restricting the conditions are.
They stress that we must have written permission from our Landlord to open the green. We are applying to our Landlord for this permission, and will NOT REOPENuntil we have received this permission.
I have attached a copy of the guidance. There are some recommendations that we may be unable to adhere to concerning the useage and monitoring of the green useage and by whom and this may well effect the reopening date.
If you wish to discuss you can give me a ring (07977500131) but please read the attached guidelines first.
Which Southport born actor appeared in the titillation Confessions of a… films and also a couple of Carry On Films?
A – Robin Asquith
2 Which gymnast from Southport won gold in the parallel bars for Scotland at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow?
A- Dan Purvis
3 Who recently said that the huge Red Rum mural in Southport painted by artist Paul Curtis should become a World Heritage site? May have seen it on the StandUpForSouthport website and Facebook pages. She’s a Sky Sports presenter.
A – Kelly Dalglish or Kelly Cates
4 Name 5 estate agents that have physical offices across Southport.
A – Anthony James, Ball and Percival, Northwood Lettings and Estate Agents, Karen Potter, Bailey Estates, Chris Tinsley, Wainwright and Edwards, Southport Estate Agents, McGuire Estate Agents and Spencer Gordon estate agents in Ainsdale.
5 What river separates Southport from Blackpool and Lytham St Annes and leads into the Irish Sea?
A – River Ribble
6 Southport born goalkeeper Jimmy Rimmer won two European Cups with two different teams. For a point each, name the two teams.
A – Manchester United in 1968 and Aston Villa in 1982 – went off after 9 minutes injured and replaced by Nigel Spink who ended up being the club’s main keeper for a decade
7 What is the name of the road that runs alongside Victoria Park from Morrisons to Weld Road?
A – Rotten Row
8 How many Tesco’s are there in Southport?
A – 6 – Churchtown – Preston New Road lights, Albert Road opposite the Police station, Eastbank Street, main one at Kew, Tesco Express on Liverpool Road in Birkdale and the one in Ainsdale on Station Road.
9 Name 3 primary schools in Southport that begin with either a L, M or a N.
A – Linaker Primary, Larkfield Primary, Marshside Primary and Norwood Primary
10 Which church is located on Waterloo Road virtually opposite the playing fields and Southport Rugby Club?
Which Southport born actor appeared in the titillation Confessions of a… films and also a couple of Carry On Films?
2 Which gymnast from Southport won gold in the parallel bars for Scotland at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow?
3 Who recently said that the huge Red Rum mural in Southport painted by artist Paul Curtis should become a World Heritage site? May have seen it on the StandUpForSouthport website and Facebook pages. She’s a Sky Sports presenter.
4 Name 5 estate agents that have physical offices across Southport.
5 What river separates Southport from Blackpool and Lytham St Annes and leads into the Irish Sea?
6 Southport born goalkeeper Jimmy Rimmer won two European Cups with two different teams. For a point each, name the two teams.
7 What is the name of the road that runs alongside Victoria Park from Morrisons to Weld Road?
8 How many Tesco’s are there in Southport?
9 Name 3 primary schools in Southport that begin with either a L, M or a N.
10 Which church is located on Waterloo Road virtually opposite the playing fields and Southport Rugby Club?