We hope all our members are well and coping with the unprecedented times we are living in.
Green Maintenance
The green has received its autumn/winter makeover by Lancashire Turf and is looking in very good condition we thank Nationwide Produce PLC for their continued support. It has been hollow tined, scarified, re-seeded and the winter feed and top dressing applied.
Graham continues to keep his eye on the green and the surrounding area and tidies up where he can. I have attached a photograph showing the green.

Before we reopen the green we will need some assistance in the spring for a good tidy up and removal of leaves and ivy etc.
Green Security
Unfortunately we’ve had a visit yet again from the local yobs. They gained entry this time by kicking in the fence adjacent to the clubhouse.
Graham has managed a temporary repair to the fence and hopefully this will keep them out in the short term. We may have to consider the building of a new fence adjacent to the clubhouse and along the car park at the Hesketh Arms. It may be a project that we have to take our on ourselves to save money. We will be in touch looking for volunteers if we decide to go down that route, when we have had time to discuss the options at a committee meeting. I would ask you all in the meantime to keep your eye out if you are passing the green and inform us if you see anything happening or that you think we need to know about.
Many thanks to those members who took the time to respond to the Club’s Competition Survey. In total, 25 completed surveys were received and the findings were as follows :-
1. Do you think the number of competitions run by the Club is :-
a. Not enough 1 (4%)
b. The right number 23 (92%)
c. Too many 1 (4%)
2. Do you think the Club should run one of the singles competitions off scratch ? i.e. no handicaps
a. Yes 14 (56%)
b. No 11 (44%)
3. Which format do you prefer for pairs competitions ?
a. Random (drawn on the day) 9 (36%)
b. Non-Random (enter with a partner of your choice) 11 (44%)
c. No preference 5 (20%)
4. Do you think plate / consolation competitions should be run ?
a. Not at all 2 (8%)
b. At some competitions 11 (44%)
c. At all competitions 10 (40%)
d. No preference 2 (8%)
5. Are there any other competitions, events or formats which you would like to be considered for inclusion in the Club’s programme of events ?
Use round robin format, games 11 up, with group winners progressing to knockout stages.
A triples competition.
Open competition, all off scratch.
A four-a-side team competition.
A competition played on the basis of players arranging their own games, with a finals day for semi-finals and final (e.g. Coronation Cup 2020).
Use of Power Plays, where double points are scored at certain ends.
Hold a floodlit / evening competition.
A Champion of Champions competition.
Over 60’s competition.
In addition to the answers give to the above questions, many positive comments were received regarding the Club’s programme of events and we thank members for this. Due to the current pandemic, we have been unable to meet to fully discuss the survey but plan to do so as soon as soon as restrictions are eased. We will look at the findings, suggestions and comments that have been put forward and consider them all when planning our competitions for next season.
Clearly, there is still some uncertainty surrounding the potential impact of Covid-19 but we will be looking to organise and complete a full and varied season of club events in 2021. Dates should be available early in the New Year, so please watch this space.