Now that the bowling season is well underway, anyone who has yet to do so should pay their 2024 subscriptions as soon as possible. Many thanks to those who have paid so far. Please see below for details and methods of payment.
Standard membership subscription – £30.00
Team players’ subscription – £50.00
Payment can be made online directly to the Club’s bank account :
Sort Code : 30 97 88 Account number : 01007849
If paying by bank transfer, please notify Mike Milne by text (07752352065) or email (
Alternatively, subscriptions can be sent to Mike Milne (Treasurer) at the following address :-
Mike Milne, 20 Coudray Road, Southport PR9 9NL
Southport’s first Federation match of the season saw the team suffer a 20-12 loss in Division 5 of the National League against a strong Heywood team that had been relegated from the 4th Division, Southport having been promoted from the 6th Division.
The home leg was played at Tarleton Bowling Club and the team did well to come back from a disappointing start to win the aggregate by just two chalks. The match ended with 6 winners each and amongst the Southport six, there were wins for Kez Adams (21-14), Andy Draper (21-17) and Chris Porter (21-12).
The away team travelled to play at Hopwood Recs and came away with a creditable 4 winners. Of the Hesketh Arms’ representatives, there were wins for Mike Milne (21-9) and Fergal Wright (21-18).
Southport’s next National League fixture will be in June, when they will look to get back to winning ways against regular opponents Menai. Further details will be announced nearer the time.
On Saturday, 27th April, we will be staging our annual Open Doubles competition for the Bernard O’Malley Vice-Presidents Trophy. The event has attracted a good field and should prove to be an entertaining day of bowling. Play starts at 10.00 am and volunteers to help with marking and measuring would be greatly appreciated. On the day, we will be selling ready made sandwiches and crisps but would be grateful for any help with making tea and coffee in the morning and early afternoon. If anyone can assist with this, please speak to Chris Harding or Mike Milne.
The Club is pleased to have been asked to host a qualifying session for the Lancashire Merit. This will take place on Saturday 4th May. Play will commence at 10.30 am and spectators will be very welcome.
Please note that the green will be unavailable for members’ use on the following dates due to bookings or private events :-
Saturday 27th April – Open Doubles – spectators welcome and help required with marking and measuring. 10.00 am start.
Saturday 4th May – Lancashire Merit Qualifier – spectators welcome. Practice from 10.00 am for a 10.30 am start.
Saturday 1st June – LV League President’s Day – spectators welcome and help required with marking and measuring. 10.00 am start.
Saturday 6th July – Churchtown Conservative Club – B.J.P.O’Malley President’s Trophy – random doubles competition, open to any of our members who are also members of the Conservative Club.
Mike Milne