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Rose Bowl 2024

ROSE BOWLThe Club’s first internal singles competition of the season took place on Sunday and was won by Steve McManus, retaining the title he won last year.
Steve reached the final with comfortable wins against Peter Smith (21-14), Peter Croston (21-8) and Mark Rowlinson (21-12). His opponent in the final was Vultures team mate Mark Wilde, who had reached this stage by overcoming Alan Hatton (21-12), John Townsend (21-20) and in the semi-final, Kez Adams (21-15). As a previous winner, Steve had to concede a handicap of two but got off to a flying start in the final, winning the first seven ends to lead 10-4. Although Mark fought back with three twos in six ends, Steve was able to maintain his lead, eventually winning 21-13. Congratulations to both finalists on producing some excellent bowling throughout the competition. 

Winner 2024 Steve McManus
Runner Up Mark Wilde

A Plate competition was held and this was won by Alan Hatton, with a 15-9 win in the final against Peter Smith. 

Plate Winer Alan Hatton
Runner Up Plate Pete Smith


Members are reminded that the Vice-Presidents Pairs, scheduled for this coming Saturday, has been postponed due to work being carried out at the Club. A new date will be arranged for later in the season.